Through the Horizon 2020 cascade funding mechanism, Fed4FIRE+ launched 70 open calls for funding and supported projects from outstanding SMEs, industry, academia, and research organizations. The funding support and the open access mechanism enabled innovators to take advantage of large-scale and top-quality experimental facilities, lowering the threshold to top-quality research infrastructures.

The users’ feedback collected greatly valued the variety of available technologies, the cost-effective experimental process and excellent support and expertise from testbed patrons.
Check the Success Stories section to deep dive in the funded experiments during the lifetime of Fed4FIRE+.

Through the Horizon 2020 cascade funding mechanism, Fed4FIRE+ provides support to projects from outstanding SMEs, industry, academia, and research organizations.

During its lifetime of five years, the Fed4FIRE+ project organizes:

  • bi-annual open calls for various types of experimentation (large, medium, small), experimental infrastructures.
  • bi-monthly Continuous Call “SME & NGI Cascaded Experiments” a continuous call with cut-off submission dates targeting only experiments originating from SME’s or from other parties (also not restricted to SMEs) who have successfully completed an experiment or project in the framework of one of the Open calls of any of the other NGI-projects.
  • bi-monthly Continuous Call “SME Cascaded Experiments” for the execution of innovative experiments from SMEs organized in 2 stages: a first stage limited-sized proposal and a short-duration experiment followed by a second stage for the submission of a more elaborated proposal for a more extensive experiment (closed).

Fed4FIRE+ Open Calls calendar

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