Short name: BOOST
Long name: Energy-efficient IoT solution for e-scooters fleet management

Company: KMB Lab Srl
Country: Italy

Call Stage 1: F4Fp-SME-COD210316 (see call details)
Proposal number: F4Fp-SME-COD210316-04


KMB Lab is actively developing BOOST platform, hardware and software components required to enable fully automated electric scooter fleets for the hospitality business operators. The vehicle-embedded IoT system is the core of the BOOST e-scooters platform that controls all internal scooter’s operations, executes remote commands, reports status and GNSS geolocation information over the cellular communication interface to the cloud infrastructure.

The main objective of KMB Lab in the presented experiment is to analyse and optimize the energy consumption of the existing BOOST IoT system focusing on the energy-performance characteristics of the cellular communication subsystem. The available facilities of the Fed4FIRE+ TRIANGLE testbed perfectly meet our developing goals and offer instrumentation that allows us to perform fine-grained energy consumption analysis. Additionally, this testbed opens up the opportunity to explore state-of-the-art 5G IoT-cell technologies e.g. NB-IoT and LTE-M that can replace legacy cell standards utilized in the current BOOST IoT system.


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